Does Denver Have a History Museum? – Mile High Time Travel

Denver History Museum drone

You’ve just landed in Denver, the Mile-High City, and you’re awed by the Rocky Mountains to the west and the Great Plains to the east. This city’s geography is indeed poetic, but its history is equally compelling. The big question on your mind might be: Does Denver have a history museum?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is so much more interesting. Buckle up for a whirlwind tour of Denver’s rich past and the museums that strive to make it come alive.

The Heartbeat of Denver: The History Colorado Center

Denver History Museum Colorado

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop to understand Denver’s storied past, the History Colorado Center is where you should be headed. Not just a collection of artifacts but a sensory experience, this museum offers an extensive look at not just Denver but Colorado’s history.

A Brief Overview

The History Colorado Center, located downtown at 1200 Broadway, is a contemporary museum that opened its doors in 2012. It replaced the older Colorado History Museum, taking the responsibility of presenting the state’s vibrant history to a new level.

Covering a multitude of topics, from indigenous history to the Gold Rush era and beyond, this is your go-to place to unearth the treasures of Denver’s and Colorado’s past.

The Key Exhibits

  • “The Living West”: This section explores the environmental challenges and opportunities that shaped both the land and its people.
  • “Zoom In: The Centennial State in 100 Objects”: A selection of 100 artifacts that paint a vivid picture of Colorado’s history.
  • “Denver A to Z”: This exhibit is dedicated solely to Denver, showing the city from various thematic angles.

Each exhibit provides ample interactive features, such as audio guides, videos, and touchscreen activities to engage visitors of all ages.

Unique Features: Why You Can’t Miss It

The History Colorado Center is not your traditional museum. It offers highly interactive experiences, allowing you to immerse yourself in Colorado’s history. There are also frequent guest lectures, educational programs, and even historically-themed dinners. Plus, with a rooftop café offering stunning views of the city, your museum visit becomes a multi-sensory experience you won’t forget.

A Quirky Gem: Molly Brown House Museum

Denver History Museum Molly Brown

If you’re a fan of stories that blend personal resilience with social history, the Molly Brown House Museum is your next must-visit spot in Denver. Here’s why this Victorian house-turned-museum is more than just a pile of old bricks.

Who Was Molly Brown?

Molly Brown, originally named Margaret Tobin, was an American socialite, philanthropist, and activist. She gained national fame for surviving the sinking of the Titanic and advocating for the rights of workers and women. The museum, situated in her former residence, gives us an intimate look into her fascinating life and times.

The Museum Experience

As you walk through the Molly Brown House Museum, you’ll be transported back to the early 20th century. Each room is meticulously restored and filled with period furniture and artifacts. The guided tours, often led by knowledgeable guides in period costumes, offer anecdotes and historical insights that make your visit a truly immersive experience.

The Brown House in Popular Culture

Perhaps you’ve heard of Molly Brown from the 1964 film “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” or its Broadway adaptation. The museum also delves into how Molly Brown’s life has been portrayed in popular culture, giving visitors a rounded understanding of her significance.

The Unsung Heroes: Smaller Local Museums

Denver History Museum Firefighter

While the larger museums offer a broad historical sweep, Denver’s smaller museums provide unique narratives that add rich textures to our understanding of the city. These are the unsung heroes in Denver’s historical landscape.

The Black American West Museum

Situated in the historic Five Points neighborhood, this museum tells the often overlooked stories of African Americans in the American West. From cowboys to soldiers and settlers, the Black American West Museum provides a different perspective on frontier history.

The Byers-Evans House Museum

Located near the History Colorado Center, this well-preserved house offers a glimpse into the life of two influential Denver families, the Byers and the Evans. Furnished with original pieces from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it offers a snapshot of domestic life during Denver’s early days.

Denver Firefighters Museum

Housed in a 1909 firehouse, this museum tells the tale of Denver’s firefighting history through antique equipment, photographs, and interactive exhibits. It’s not just for firefighting enthusiasts but for anyone interested in understanding how cities evolve and protect their communities.

Why Museums Matter in Understanding Denver’s History

Denver History Museum aerial

Why even take the time to visit these museums? Well, besides satisfying your curiosity, these places play a significant role in shaping the community’s understanding of its own history. Let’s explore why these institutions are indispensable.

The Role of Museums in Education

Museums aren’t just places where old stuff is stored; they are vital educational tools. Interactive exhibits, educational programs for schools, and even adult learning courses are some of the ways museums contribute to lifelong learning.

Preserving Local Culture

Museums act as custodians of local culture and history. Through carefully curated exhibits, they help preserve the traditions, stories, and artifacts that might otherwise be forgotten.

An Inclusive Narrative

In recent years, Denver’s museums have made a conscious effort to be more inclusive. By covering aspects like the contributions of minorities and the influence of indigenous cultures, museums are broadening our understanding of what Denver is and what it can be.

The Role of Technology in Museum Experiences

Denver History Museum technology

In today’s digital age, it’s important to consider how technology shapes our interactions with history and culture. This is especially true in Denver’s museums, where cutting-edge tech and traditional exhibits mesh to create unforgettable experiences.

Technology as an Educational Tool

Imagine pointing your smartphone at an artifact and instantly receiving a wealth of information about it. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are gradually becoming part of museum experiences worldwide, and Denver is no exception.

The History Colorado Center, for instance, uses touchscreen kiosks and interactive installations to deepen your understanding of the exhibits. It’s not just about looking—it’s about engaging.

The Future is Now: Virtual Tours

The pandemic has shown us the importance of virtual accessibility. Many of Denver’s museums, including the Molly Brown House, have started offering virtual tours, allowing people from around the globe to explore their collections. This not only democratizes access to Denver’s rich history but also allows for a more personalized, self-guided exploration.

Navigating Museum Visits: Tips and Tricks

Denver History Museum visits

Okay, you’re convinced. You want to dive headfirst into Denver’s history through its magnificent museums. But where to start? How do you maximize your visit? Here are some insider tips and tricks.

Best Times to Visit

  • Weekdays: Weekdays, especially in the mornings, are generally less crowded.
  • Off-season: Consider visiting during fall or spring, when tourist numbers are lower, but the city is just as vibrant.
  • Special Events: Keep an eye out for special exhibitions or events that align with your interests.

Discounts and Packages

  • Combo Tickets: Some museums offer combo tickets or memberships that provide access to multiple places at a discounted price.
  • Student and Senior Discounts: Always carry an ID to avail of these discounts.
  • City Pass: Denver has various city pass options that include multiple attractions, including museums.

What to Bring

  • Comfortable Shoes: You’ll be doing a lot of walking.
  • Camera: Though check the museum’s photography policy first.
  • Notepad: For the really enthusiastic, a notepad can be useful for jotting down interesting facts or questions you may have.

Denver’s Historical Museums and Social Media

Denver History Museum Art

In this connected age, how do Denver’s museums fare on social media? The answer might surprise you: They’re absolutely killing it. A savvy online presence extends the reach and impact of these institutions far beyond their physical walls.

Museums’ Social Media Strategies

From Twitter threads detailing hidden historical facts to Instagram posts showcasing eye-catching exhibits, Denver’s museums are leveraging social media to engage with younger audiences and history buffs alike. This online presence serves as both a teaser and an educational extension of what the museums offer, adding a dynamic layer to their traditional roles.

User-Generated Content: Your Experiences Matter

Have you ever posted a museum selfie or used a museum’s dedicated hashtag? You’ve contributed to the phenomenon of user-generated content, which museums are increasingly using to attract visitors.

Whether it’s a tweet about your amazement at an exhibit or an Instagram story touring the museum, your online interactions enrich the museum-going experience for everyone.


Is there a history museum in Denver, Colorado?

Yes, Denver is home to the History Colorado Center, a museum dedicated to the history of the state of Colorado.

When was the History Colorado Center established?

The History Colorado Center was established on April 28, 2012.

Where is the History Colorado Center located?

The museum is located at 1200 Broadway, Denver, Colorado.

What type of museum is the History Colorado Center?

It is a history museum that focuses on the history of the state of Colorado.

Who owns and administers the History Colorado Center?

The center is administered by History Colorado, formerly known as the Colorado Historical Society.

What kind of collections does the museum have?

The museum has a variety of collections, including maps, clothing, teapots, and photography dating from the 1850s. It also has newspaper collections containing marriage, birth, and death records.

What are some of the permanent exhibits at the History Colorado Center?

The museum features six permanent exhibits: Living West, Colorado Stories, Denver A-Z, Destination Colorado, Time Machine, and Denver Diorama.

What is the focus of the “Living West” exhibit?

The “Living West” exhibit explores the relationship between the people of Colorado and their state’s environment. It is divided into three areas focusing on different environmental regions at different times in Colorado’s history.

What can visitors learn from the “Colorado Stories” exhibit?

The “Colorado Stories” exhibit takes an in-depth look at some of the people who have shaped Colorado’s history. It includes a ski jump simulator and a short video on the struggles faced by internees at the Granada War Relocation Center.

Is there an exhibit that focuses specifically on Denver?

Yes, the “Denver A-Z” exhibit focuses on the capital city of Denver, revealing interesting tidbits about Colorado’s most populous city.

Final Words

So, does Denver have a history museum? Absolutely, and it has so much more! From the comprehensive History Colorado Center to the smaller gems that showcase unique slices of life, Denver is a city teeming with historical wonder.

Next time you’re in the Mile-High City, make sure to add one, or better yet, all of these incredible museums to your itinerary. You won’t regret diving deep into the captivating history that makes Denver the city it is today.

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